Community leaders endorsing William Vodrey’s candidacy:
- AFSCME Ohio Council 8, AFL-CIO
- Nickie J. Antonio
State Senator, District 23 - Wynne Antonio
Retiree Coordinator, North Shore AFL-CIO Federation of Labor*; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Lakewood - Bedford/Walton Hills Democratic Party
- Hon. Fletcher Berger
Mayor, City of Bedford Heights - Black Women’s Political Action Committee
- Hon. Annette M. Blackwell
Mayor, City of Maple Heights - Janine Boyd
State Representative, Ohio District 9 - Mary Boyle
former Cuyahoga County Commissioner and State Representative, Cleveland - Dona Brady
former Cleveland City Council, Ward 11 - Tony Brancatelli
Cleveland City Council, Ward 12 - Hon. Michael Dylan Brennan
Mayor, City of University Heights - Sean Patrick Brennan
President, Parma City Council - Juanita Brent
State Representative, Ohio District 12 - Art Brooks
former State Representative, Cleveland - Hon. Sherrod Brown
United States Senator - Tom Bullock
Lakewood City Council - C.A.M.E.O. (Cleveland American Middle East Organization)
- Glenn R. Campbell
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Lakewood - Carpenters Local 435
- George H. Carr
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Beachwood; former president, Beachwood Democratic Club - Mark Casselberry
Majority Leader, Parma City Council - Laura Childers
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 12 - Emily Christescu
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Lakewood - Phyllis Cleveland
Cleveland City Council, Ward 5 - Cleveland Plumbers UA Local 55
- Cleveland Stonewall Democrats
- Kathleen Clyde
Portage County Commissioner and former candidate, Secretary of State of Ohio - Hon. Vic Collova
Mayor, City of Garfield Heights - Communications Workers of America Local 4340
- Lisa Cremer
Shaker Heights School District Board of Education - Cuyahoga County Democratic Party
- Shayla L. Davis
Garfield Heights City Council; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Garfield Heights - Brian Day
Auditor, City of Parma - Tom Day, Jr.
Clerk of Court, Bedford Municipal Court; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Independence - Hon. Timothy J. DeGeeter
Mayor, City of Parma - Cyndi Demsey
Chair, Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus*; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Pepper Pike - Steve Dettlebach
former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio - Steve Dever
former City Leader, Rocky River - Phillip DiBianca
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Euclid - Allan Divis
Parma City Council, Ward 5 - Timothy G. Dobeck
Law Director, City of Parma - Ann Marie Donegan
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Olmsted Falls - Thomas Dufour
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Brook Park - Hon. Trevor Elkins
Mayor of Newburgh Heights; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Newburgh Heights - Debra K. Lucas Fagher
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Rocky River - Janet Fedarko
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 16 - FIINPAC
Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Necessary Political Action Committee - Hon. Edward FitzGerald
former Cuyahoga County Executive, Lakewood - Al Foster
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Hon. Marcia L. Fudge
United States Congresswoman - Hon. Kirsten Holzheimer Gail
Mayor, City of Euclid - Tina Gangidine
President, North Olmsted Democratic Club - Stuart I. Garson
former Chair, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party;
Founder and partner, Garson Johnson LLC, Cleveland - Aaron Godfrey
Candidate for U.S. Congress, 16th District of Ohio - Elaine Gohlstin
President and CEO, Harvard Community Services Center, Cleveland* - G-PAC
- Kenya Gray
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 2 - Pamela Gray-Mason
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Euclid - Blaine A. Griffin
Cleveland City Council, Ward 6 - Susan Grodek
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Brooklyn - William A. Gutermuth, Jr.
President, Independence, Brooklyn Heights, Valley View, Cuyahoga Heights, and Newburgh Heights Democratic Club - Raymond J. Habian
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, North Royalton - Anthony T. Hairston
Cleveland City Council, Ward 10 - Walter Halum
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Bay Village - Angela Harrell
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Melody Joy Hart
Cleveland Heights City Council - Rick Hatala
Secretary/Treasurer, Rocky River Democratic Club - Brian Hickerson
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 1 - Mary Hills
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Bedford Heights - Steve Holecko
Political Director, Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus* - Hon. Martin S. Horwitz
Mayor, City of Beachwood - Stephanie D. Howse
State Representative, Ohio District 11 - Willie Huggins
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 4 - Interior Systems Local 373, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America
- Jeffrey Isaacs
Shaker Heights School District Board of Education - Karolyn Isenhart
City Leader, Lakewood Democratic Club - Hon. Frank Jackson
Mayor, City of Cleveland - Michelle B. Jackson
Community Organizer, Wards 4 & 6, Cleveland - Ron James
former supervisor, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office - Garnell Jamison
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 4 - Hon. Mabel Jasper
Judge, Cleveland Municipal Court (retired) - Lisa Payne Jones
City Leader, Shaker Heights Democratic Club; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Brian Kazy
Cleveland City Council, Ward 16 - Hon. Stanley C. Koci
Mayor, City of Bedford - Linda Kohar
Parma City Council - Hon. Edward H. Kraus
Mayor, City of Solon - Jim Kukral
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Seven Hills - John Lawson
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Steve Lieber
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, University Heights - Thomas Longo
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Broadview Heights - Andrea LoPresti
Secretary, Lyndhurst Democratic Club - Kimberly Mann
Vice President, Fairview Park Democratic Club; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Fairview Park - Paul Marnecheck
President, North Royalton City Council - Beverly Masek
President, Indivisible Strongsville - Tom Mastroianni
Treasurer, City of Parma; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Parma - Kerry McCormack
Cleveland City Council, Ward 3 - Tawayne McGee
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 12 - Susan L. McGinn
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Euclid - Christine McIntosh
Euclid City Council, Ward 5 - Mallory McMaster
President, Cleveland Heights Democrats - Sandy McNair
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Brecksville - Pearl Means
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Warrensville Heights - Andrew A. Meyer
Former Democratic Lawyer Group president;
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Lakewood - Dale Miller
Cuyahoga County Council, District 2 - Gregory Moore
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, South Euclid - Lillian Moore
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Highland Hills - Nancy Moore
Shaker Heights City Council - Lana Moresky
Democratic activist, Shaker Heights - Christina Morris
Rocky River City Council - Nick “Sonny” Nardi
President, Teamsters Local 416 - Michael Nenadovich
Garfield Heights City Council President Pro Tem; President, Garfield Heights Democratic Club - Tom Nobbe
Administrative Organizer, Greater Cleveland Congregations* - North Shore AFL-CIO
- Northeast Ohio Young Black Democrats
- Mike O’Neil
President, Rocky River Democratic Club - Curtis J. Orr
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, South Euclid - Michael O’Shea
City Leader, Rocky River Democratic Club - David L. Owens
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Rosemary Palmer
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 12 - Susan Moran Palmer
Steering Committee, Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus - Anastasia Pantsios
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Heights - Parma Democratic Club
- Gary Petrusky
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, North Royalton - Rose Petsche
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Brecksville - Betty Pinkney
former senior advisor for the late Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Cleveland - Gloria Jean Pinkney
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland - Hon. Dan Pocek
former Mayor, City of Bedford - Tristan Rader
Lakewood City Council - Erik K. Radney
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Seven Hills - Kenneth A. Ramser
Clerk, Parma City Council - Alan R.C. Raventree
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 13 - Kurt Richards
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Independence - Cathy Reichel
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 16 - Hon. Carol Roe
former Mayor, City of Cleveland Heights - Tres Roeder
Shaker Heights City Council - Jan L. Roller
Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus - Michelle Rose
Vice President, Shaker Heights Democratic Club - Kristin Saban
Parma City Council, Ward 4 - Joe Sebes
City Leader, Parma Heights Democratic Club; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Parma Heights - Hon. Bradley D. Sellers
Mayor, City of Warrensville Heights - Julianna Johnston Senturia
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Shaker Heights Democratic Club
- Sheet Metal Workers Local 33
- Stafford L. Shenett
Maple Heights City Council; President, Maple Heights - Sunny M. Simon
Cuyahoga County Council, District 11 - Charles Slife
Cleveland City Council, Ward 17 - Kent Smith
State Representative, Ohio District 8 - Todd W. Smith
Fairview Park City Council - Al Snodgrass
Secretary, Cleveland Heights Democrats; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Heights - David W. Stack
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 11 - Lloyal Stokes
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 5 - Hon. Michael P. Summers
former Mayor of Lakewood; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Lakewood - Teamsters Local 416
- Teamsters Local 436
- Bernita M. Thomas
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 1 - Matthew Thomas
President, Cleveland Ward 15 Democratic Club - Lora Thompson
City Leader, Lyndhurst Democratic Club; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Lyndhurst - Gigi Traore
Newburgh Heights City Council - UAW Northeast Ohio CAP Council
- Bradley Unger
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cuyahoga Heights - United Steel Workers Local 979
- Terrence Upchurch
State Representative, District 10 - Hon. Daniel J. Ursu
Richmond Heights City Council - Jim Ventura
former President, Lyndhurst Democratic Club - Greg Vittardi
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Broadview Heights - Heather Weingart
President, Shaker Heights School District Board of Education - Howard Weisbrot
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Hon. David E. Weiss
Mayor, City of Shaker Heights - Winifred Weizer
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Central Committee Member, University Heights - Hon. Georgine Welo
Mayor, City of South Euclid - Mike West
President, Brecksville/Broadview Heights Democratic Club - Jay Westbrook
former President, Cleveland City Council - Kent A. Whitley
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Shaker Heights - Dierdre Lightning Whitted
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Cleveland Ward 9 - Anne Williams
Shaker Heights City Council - Carmella Williams
Shaker Heights City Council - Earl Williams, Jr.
Shaker Heights City Council - Sandra R. Williams
State Senator, District 21 - Kenny Yuko
State Senator, District 25 - Robert A. Zimmerman
Shaker Heights City Council - Matt Zone
Cleveland City Council, Ward 15 - John Zuercher
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Executive Committee Member, Rocky River
* Personal endorsement; institution mentioned only for purposes of identification.
“William Vodrey is one of the finest magistrates on Cleveland Municipal Court – smart, capable and courteous. He has bedrock integrity and a strong sense of right and wrong, always seeking justice and deciding cases with both tact and efficiency. I know he’ll serve with honor and distinction as a judge, and have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending him for your support as a candidate for the Court of Common Pleas.”
Hon. Mabel Jasper
Judge, Cleveland Municipal Court (retired)“I enthusiastically endorse Cleveland Municipal Court Magistrate William Vodrey for judge of the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas. I’ve had the pleasure of appearing before William in court, as well as getting to know him well through Democratic Party politics. William would bring a wealth of legal and judicial experience to this position, which would greatly benefit our county’s judiciary and communities. He has a keen and insightful intelligence, and excellent judicial temperament. He honors the rule of law in every proceeding, fairly adjudicating the competing interests of all civil and criminal litigants. Anyone appearing before William Vodrey can be confident that his paramount objective will always be justice for all.”
Stuart Garson
Former Chair, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party“I have known Magistrate William Vodrey for many years, and have seen time and again what a thoughtful, capable, fair jurist he is. He takes his job but not himself seriously. Everyone who appears before him gets a fair hearing, and he moves his dockets along in a calm, efficient way without ever rushing anyone. He is just the kind of judge the Court of Common Pleas needs, and I am delighted to endorse him.”
Hon. Michael Dylan Brennan
Mayor, City of University Heights“I’ve known William Vodrey for the better part of two decades. He has all the qualities necessary to be an outstanding judge- honesty, integrity, scholarship, dedication, and fairness. As a prosecutor, he was a passionate advocate for the victims of crime. As a magistrate, he has earned a reputation for even-handedness and efficiency. He has a life-long dedication to the law, and he understands all aspects of the court system. Our county would be truly fortunate to have a man with his judicial temperament and ability serving on the Common Pleas bench. I hope everyone who feels strongly about our justice system joins me in supporting this outstanding candidate.”
Hon. Edward FitzGerald
Former Cuyahoga County Executive
Lakewood“Since my days as a senior advisor to Stephanie Tubbs Jones, I have known William Vodrey. Stephanie hired him as an assistant county prosecutor, and I know what great confidence she placed in him. William was a skilled, conscientious prosecutor, and since 2001 has been doing excellent work as a magistrate of Cleveland Municipal Court. He is deeply involved in his church, as a mentor to young lawyers, and as a coach for the mock trial team of his sons’ high school. He is the kind of person we need as a judge of the Court of Common Pleas. I strongly support him, and I hope you will, too.”
Betty Pinkney
Former senior advisor for the late Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, Cleveland“I have known William Vodrey for years and, in all cases, found him to be deeply knowledgeable on topics of which he speaks, highly principled, and sound in judgment.”
Tres Roeder
Shaker Heights City Council
Vice President, Northeast Ohio City Council Association“I got a chance to see William’s judicial skills up close when he served as a magistrate in a complicated consumer class action case in which I represented the defendant. William was able to grasp the legal issues and provide thorough and fair rulings in the case. He would make an excellent judge.”
Atty. Robert A. Zimmerman
Shaker Heights City Council“I know William as a person of fairness, character and integrity. He has demonstrated these virtues during his long and dependable 17 years of public service as a magistrate. While in this role of dedicated and committed service to our community, William earned the knowledge and insights needed to be an effective, impartial and excellent judge.”
Hon. Daniel J. Ursu
Former Mayor of Richmond Heights“William was part of my volunteer team on a recent national campaign. We appreciated his willingness to help – especially given his day-job responsibilities – and valued his even-tempered, thoughtful and caring approach throughout. I subsequently learned that he also volunteers with young people around criminal justice matters, and plan to once again enlist his expertise in a grassroots community initiative targeting increased civic engagement in our community.”
Michelle B. Jackson
Community Organizer, Wards 4 & 6 City Council Candidate Forums, and Ward 4 Field Organizer, HRCLe
Cleveland“William would be an excellent Common Pleas Judge as he is intelligent, thoughtful and fair. He has integrity and honesty. He has spent his legal career dedicated to public service through his work at Southeastern Ohio Legal Services, as a prosecutor and now at Cleveland Municipal Court. He would be an asset to the Common Pleas bench.”
Atty. Theresa Weinberg
Westlake“I was one of William’s supervisors in the County Prosecutor’s Office. Appointed by Stephanie Tubbs Jones, William was one of our best prosecutors – hardworking, friendly, always prepared, and always committed to seeing that justice was done, come what may. He’ll make a great judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and I look forward to voting for him.”
Ron James
Cleveland“William Vodrey has the experience and the intellect to make an excellent Common Pleas judge. I know William to be an intent and active listener, a firm believer in the law, and a person of the highest ethical standards. Anyone entering the Court of Common Pleas would be well served to find him as their judge.”
Dorothy King
Cleveland Heights“I’m proud to have known William, socially as a friend and professionally as a colleague in various history projects for almost 20 years. He is a fair-minded, intelligent man of great integrity – socially and professionally. I’ve watched him administer justice with knowledge, firmness, compassion and a sense of humor as appropriate. Mutual friends and acquaintances see him as I do, and support him as I do, knowing he’s the best man for any work to be done.”
Mel Maurer
Westlake“William and I were colleagues at the County Prosecutor’s Office, and have been friends for many years. He has had an impressive legal career and knows his way around the courtroom, having presided over criminal, traffic and civil trials for the past 17 years. As a loyal Cuyahoga County Democrat, I know his support of the party runs very deep. The Common Pleas bench needs more people like William.”
Atty. Marie Adrine
Richmond Heights“Magistrate Vodrey approaches his work with great care. Parties before him get his utmost concern. His attention to detail and accuracy inspire confidence that justice will be served.”
Atty. Alisa Boles
Euclid“As a professional American Sign Language interpreter who has worked in the courts for many years, I can attest to Magistrate William Vodrey’s impeccable ethics and command of jurisprudence. Anyone appearing before him will be treated courteously, fairly and professionally. I heartily recommend William, who will be an excellent judge of the Court of Common Pleas.”
Patricia Cangelosi-Williams, M.Ed., CSC
Cleveland Heights“William Vodrey has all the qualities I look for in a judicial candidate: integrity, objectivity, honesty, intelligence and a passion for the law. I can’t imagine anyone more qualified.”
Pam O’Halloran
Shaker Heights“What are the essential qualifications for a Common Pleas judge? Education, experience, and a demonstrated ability to engage successfully in the business of decision making and conflict resolution. Having known William Vodrey for many years, I can say with complete confidence that he ranks supreme in this regard. He appreciates the ideas and values of other human beings, which is the very essence of achieving justice.”
Atty. David Witt
Brecksville“When I think about what I want in a judge I think of honesty and integrity, especially in these troubling times. I know William from our church where he has been on the Vestry and where he has served in other leadership roles. I feel confident that he would be fair and impartial, weighing the facts of a case and seeing that justice is done. It is my sincere hope that William will win his campaign for judge in the Court of Common Pleas… he is a man of faith who also happens to have a sense of humor.”
Weezie Scott
First Vice President, Shaker Heights Democratic Club
Shaker Heights“I have known William Vodrey for the last 20 years and I can honestly state that he is a man of high character and integrity. He’s a man who embraces his faith and has strong family values. I have had the opportunity to watch him as a father and husband over the years and have witnessed the love and affection that he has shown to those closest to him. He is trustworthy, fair, and compassionate about human rights. For all of these reasons and more, William would make an excellent judge and can be an asset to the Greater Cleveland community!”
Atty. Fernando Mack
Solon“William Vodrey has demonstrated not only the highest integrity, but also a genuine interest in his fellow human beings. I am confident that he will be an excellent Common Pleas judge. His thoroughness and questioning mind demonstrate his commitment to justice.”
Virginia Ratcliffe
Shaker Heights“I have known William for about 20 years as a friend and colleague. He is a good lawyer with a keen legal mind. I have read a number of his decisions; they are always well-reasoned and on solid legal footing. I believe he would make a great Common Pleas judge and plan to vote for him.”
Atty. Daniel G. Zeiser
Mayfield Village“William is perfectly suited to serve as a Common Pleas judge. He is highly intelligent, compassionate, and dedicated, both to the rule of law and to the citizens he serves.”
Laurie Scriven
Berea“Magistrate William Vodrey is an excellent choice for Common Pleas judge. He is intelligent and informed, caring and committed. He is passionate about having the judicial system be as functional and fair as possible; I believe he will work tirelessly to achieve that goal. There could be no better candidate for judge.”
Jan Wolf